・ ・ ・ ・ STUDIO ・ THOMAS ・ NEUMANN ・ ・ ・ ・
  ・  ・  ・  ・ STUDIO ・ THOMAS  ・ NEUMANN ・ ・  ・  ・    

Pictures from Utopia

2003-2005・Pigmentprint・110x160 cm

Klettergerüst [Jungle Gym], 2003
Modell [Model], 2003
Turmbau [The Building of the Tower], 2004
Gelber Himmel [Yellow Sky], 2003
Exhibitionview "Gute Aussichten", Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, 2005
Catalogue with texts by Ruth May and Stefanie Kreuzer, extra verlag, 2006
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